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All of these doctors have treated me or my family. They are leaders in the field of sports medicine and nutritional healing. I trust them very much and recommend them highly. All of these doctors are highly trained in allergy testing, nutritional healing, detoxification protocols, and help for physical aches and pains.
Dr. Michael Lebowitz
Phone: 970 257-0311
Mailing Address: 2550 I Rd, Grand Junction, CO 81505
Dr. Lebowitz is a great doctor if you know someone in the Colorado area. His website has lots of newsletters mostly aimed at doctors but you might enjoy reading some of his success stories. If you ever have a chance to send someone to see him or visit him in Grand Junction, Colorado you won't be dissappointed.
Dr. John Bandy, DC
300 Beardsley Ln., Building E
Austin, TX 78746
Phone: 512-328-4041
Fax: 512-328-5114
For anyone in the Austin area of Texas Dr. Bandy is THE doctor to see for difficult problems. I highly recommend seeing him. The only trouble is that lots of people want to see him and the waiting list can be long.
Dr. Robert Rakowski, DC
449 Bay Area Blvd
Houston, TX 77058
Phone: (281) 286-6040
For anyone in the Houston (South Houston or Clearlake) then I recommend Bob Rakowski. He is great with physical problems as well as nutritional treatments.
Dr. Tim McCullough, DC
Telephone: 281-481-9299
Fax: 281-481-9286
11003 Resource Parkway Suite 103
Houston, TX 77089
Dr. McCullough is a wonderful doctor who specializes in nutritional medicine and internal diagnostic techniques. He is also great for injuries but if I had a serious disease I would run (not walk) to see him. Great guy.
Dr. Freddie Ulan and Dr. Lester Bryman
(727) 442-7101
Both Dr. Ulan and Dr. Bryman are leaders in the field of researching and testing nutritional protocols. They are the inventors of the Nutrition Response Testing protocol which I use. Feel free to call their number in Clearwater, Florida for help with finding good doctors in the Florida area as well as other doctors trained by them throughout the U.S.